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Jobs are used to control Nodes in your organization. If you want a Node to run a specific Flow (deployment), we create jobs in the Control Center for that specific Node to download, validate and run the flow. Since the Node always connects to the Control Center outbound via HTTPS to check for new jobs, we don't send 'push-commands' to the Node. Therefore no inbound firewall port has to be opened towards your network.

In the jobs overview you will see all informations related to activities on a Flow such as deployments, deletes, start-stop of flows, remote-sessions and more.

In addition to that you see the status of every job indicated by the icon on the last column.


Creating and Using Labels

Labels are used to create groups of nodes. A label is just a text string that you attach to a node. On the Nodes page you can add a label to a Node by clicking on the plus sign (+) in the labels column next to the node. You will then get a list of existing labels you can select from, or you can add a new label by typing in some text.

When deploying flows from the Flows page you can deploy to multiple nodes by selecting one of these labels on the Labels tab in the deployment dialog. 

Removing Labels

Labels can be removed from individual nodes by clicking on the cross mark (X) on the label in the Nodes table.

Labels can also be removed completely on the Labels tab of the Nodes page. If you delete a label here it will be removed from all nodes and from the list of available labels.

By selecting a label on the Labels tab you can also get a list of nodes with that label attached.

Using labels to control node access

When defining roles on the Organization page labels can be used to limit access to certain nodes. If you expand the Nodes group in the role editor, labels can be added to all of the nodes permissions. Then a user with this role will only get the specific permissions for nodes with the selected labels.

Note: that you need to limit label management if you intend to use labels to control node access, otherwise someone could just add the labels needed to get access to any nodes.