Note: Permission to manage Credentials is needed to use the functionality described on this page. However, all users can use credentials when configuring modules in flows.
The Credentials library is a central repository for storing credentials needed by flow modules when accessing external services, for example username/password or API keys. Once a credential has been added to the library it can be selected in the module settings by referencing the name of the credential. In this way only the credential managers will ever see the actual data used, regular users will only access credentials by name referral. Credentials are stored encrypted in Crosser Cloud and are also delivered to and stored in the edge nodes encrypted. When configuring a module only credentials supported by that module will be available. A module can support multiple credential types.

The Credentials page lists all currently available credentials and their type. To add a new credential use the '+ Add Credential' button on the Credentials page or use the '+' button next to the credential selector in the settings UI on modules that use credentials. In the form that is opened, start by giving the credential a name. This is the name shown to users when configuring a module, so you should preferably use a name that helps the users to select the appropriate credential. Then select a type and enter the actual credential settings. There is also a description field that can be used to enter any relevant information about the credential, e.g. expiration times, endpoints supported and so on. The description can be seen by expanding the row for a credential in the table on the Credentials page.
Credential Types and Examples
1. API Key
- Description: Used to authenticate via an API key, typically for REST APIs.
- Settings:
- Name
- API Key
- Used by External Service: REST API, HTTP Request Services
- Example:
Name: MyAPIKey
API Key: abc123XYZUsed by Crosser Module:
- HTTP Request
- HubSpot CRM Create
- HubSpot CRM Delete
- HubSpot CRM Search
- HubSpot CRM Update
- Kubernetes Events
- Open Weather
- SendGrid
- SIGNL4 Publisher
2. AWS Credential
- Description: AWS credentials with a region specification for accessing AWS services.
- Settings:
- Name
- AWS Access Key
- AWS Secret Access Key
- AWS Region
- Used by External Service: AWS S3, AWS DynamoDB
- Example:
Name: AWSMainRegion
AWS Region: us-west-2Used by Crosser Module:
- AWS S3 Bucket Writer
- Databricks Publisher
- Snowflake Publisher
3. AWS Credential No Region
- Description: AWS credentials without region specification.
- Settings:
- Name
- AWS Access Key
- AWS Secret Access Key
- Used by External Service: AWS Lambda, AWS SNS
- Example:
Name: AWSGlobal
AWS Secret Access Key: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEYUsed by Crosser Module:
- Databricks Publisher
- Snowflake Publisher
4. AWS IoT Certificate
- Description: Certificate-based authentication for AWS IoT services.
- Settings:
- Name
- Certificate
- Private Key
- Public Key
- Root CA
- Used by External Service: AWS IoT Core
- Example:
Name: IoTCert
Certificate: [certificate data]
Private Key: [private key data]
Public Key: [public key data]
Root CA: [CA data]Used by Crosser Module:
- AWS IoT Core HTTP Publisher
- AWS IoT Core Publisher
5. Azure Device Credential
- Description: Device credentials for Azure IoT Hub.
- Settings:
- Name
- Device ID
- Device Key
- Used by External Service: Azure IoT Hub
- Example:
Name: IoTDevice1
Device ID: Device001
Device Key: deviceKey123Used by Crosser Module:
- Azure IoT Hub C2D Receiver
- Azure IoT Hub D2C Sender
6. Azure Device Credential Model With Symmetric Key
- Description: Azure IoT Hub device credentials using symmetric keys.
- Settings:
- Name
- Device Key
- Used by External Service: Azure IoT Hub
- Example:
Name: IoTDeviceSymmetric
Device Key: symmetricKey123Used by Crosser Module:
- Azure IoT Hub C2D Receiver
- Azure IoT Hub D2C Sender
7. Azure Service Principal Certificate
- Description: Azure service principal credentials using a certificate.
- Settings:
- Name
- Public Key [PEM] (Client/App Certificate)
- Private Key [PEM] (Client/App Private Key)
- Application ID
- Directory ID
- Used by External Service: Azure Active Directory
- Example:
Name: AzureSPCert
Public Key: [public key data]
Private Key: [private key data]
Application ID: appId123
Directory ID: dirId123Used by Crosser Module:
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure DataLake Writer
- Azure Event Grid Publisher
- Azure Event Hubs Consumer
- Azure Event Hubs Publisher
- Azure Queue Storage
8. Azure Service Principal Secret
- Description: Azure service principal credentials using a secret.
- Settings:
- Name
- Secret Value
- Application ID
- Directory ID
- Used by External Service: Azure Active Directory
- Example:
Name: AzureSPSecret
Secret Value: secret123
Application ID: appId123
Directory ID: dirId123Used by Crosser Module:
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure DataLake Writer
- Azure Event Grid Publisher
- Azure Event Hubs Consumer
- Azure Event Hubs Publisher
- Azure Queue Storage
9. Azure Shared Access Key
- Description: Shared Access Key for Azure services.
- Settings:
- Name
- Azure Shared Access Key
- Used by External Service: Azure Storage, Event Hubs
- Example:
Name: AzureSharedKey
Azure Shared Access Key: sharedKey123Used by Crosser Module:
- Azure Event Grid Publisher
- Azure Event Hubs Consumer
- Azure Event Hubs Publisher
10. Azure Shared Access Signature
- Description: Shared Access Signature for Azure services.
- Settings:
- Name
- Azure Shared Access Signature
- Used by External Service: Azure Storage, Event Hubs
- Example:
Name: AzureSAS
Azure Shared Access Signature: sv=2019-12-12&ss=b&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacx&se=2024-12-12T23:59:59Z&st=2022-01-01T00:00:00Z&spr=https&sig=exampleSignatureUsed by Crosser Module:
- Azure Blob Storage
- Azure DataLake Writer
- Azure Event Grid Publisher
- Azure Event Hubs Consumer
- Azure Event Hubs Publisher
- Azure Queue Storage
- Databricks Publisher
- Azure IoT Hub C2D Receiver
- Azure IoT Hub D2C Sender
11. Certificate
- Description: Credentials using a PFX certificate.
- Settings:
- Name
- Certificate [PFX]
- Password
- Used by External Service: Generic
- Example:
Name: MyCert
Certificate: [certificate data in PFX format]
Password: certPassword123Used by Crosser Module:
- HTTP Request
- Kafka Consumer
- Kafka Producer
- MQTT Pub Client
- MQTT Sub Client
- OPC UA Browser
- OPC UA Events
- OPC UA Reader
- OPC UA Subscriber
- OPC UA Writer
12. Connection String
- Description: Connection string for database authentication.
- Settings:
- Name
- Connection String
- Used by External Service: Databases
- Example:
Name: DBConnection
Connection String: Server=myserver;Database=mydb;User=myuser;Password=mypassword;Used by Crosser Module:
- Aveva Historian Reader
- Firebird Insert
- Firebird Select
- MariaDB Executer
- MariaDB Insert
- MariaDB Select
- MongoDB Insert
- MongoDB Select
- MsSQL Executer
- MsSQL Insert
- MsSQL Select
- MsSQL Stored Procedure Read
- MySQL Executer
- MySQL Insert
- MySQL Select
- Oracle Database Insert
- Oracle Database Select
- Postgres Executer
- PostgreSQL Insert
- PostgreSQL Select
- Redis Get
- Redis Publish
- Redis Set
- Redis Subscribe
- TimescaleDB Insert
- TimescaleDB Select
13. Connection String With Certificate
- Description: Connection string with certificate for secure authentication.
- Settings:
- Name
- Connection String
- Private Key
- Used by External Service: Snowflake
- Example:
Name: SnowflakeConn
Connection String: Server=snowflake.server;Database=mydb;
Private Key: [private key data]Used by Crosser Module:
- Snowflake Executer
- Snowflake Insert
- Snowflake Select
- Snowflake Publisher
14. Data
- Description: Used to securely store data for a service.
- Settings:
- Name
- Select from disk or enter in editor
- Used by External Service: Google
- Example:
Name: GoogleData
Data: [data file or data content]Used by Crosser Module:
- BigQuery Insert
- Google Cloud Storage Writer
- Google PubSub Publisher
- Google PubSub Subscriber
15. Databricks Credential
- Description: Credentials used to authenticate to Databricks.
- Settings:
- Name
- Token
- Used by External Service: Databricks
- Example:
Name: DatabricksToken
Token: dapi1234abcd5678Used by Crosser Module:
- Databricks Publisher
16. Influx Credential
- Description: Credentials for accessing InfluxDB.
- Settings:
- Name
- Organization ID
- Token
- Used by External Service: InfluxDB
- Example:
Name: InfluxCred
Organization ID: org1234
Token: token1234abcd5678Used by Crosser Module:
- InfluxDB v2 Insert
- Influx Select
17. OAuth Authorization Code Grant
- Description: OAuth credentials using the authorization code grant type for user authentication.
- Settings:
- Name
- Refresh Token
- Token Renewal URL
- Client ID (optional)
- Client Secret (optional)
- Scope (optional)
- Base64 Encode Secrets
- Used by External Service: OAuth-based API Authentication
- Example:
Name: OAuthAuthCode
Refresh Token: refreshToken123
Token Renewal URL:
Client ID: clientID456
Client Secret: clientSecret456Used by Crosser Module:
- Google Sheet Append Row
- Google Sheet Read Rows
- Google Sheet Write Row
- Microsoft Teams List Chats
- Microsoft Teams Send Chat
- Salesforce Create Record
- Salesforce Get Record
- Salesforce Search Records
- Salesforce SOQL Query
- Salesforce Update Record
- Zoho Desk Create Ticket
- Zoho Desk Search Tickets
- Zoho Desk Update Ticket
18. OAuth Client Credential Grant
- Description: OAuth credentials using client credential grant type for service-to-service authentication.
- Settings:
- Name
- Authorization URL
- Client ID
- Client Secret
- Scope (optional)
- Audience (optional)
- Token Renewal URL (optional)
- Base64 Encode Secrets
- Used by External Service: OAuth-based API Authentication
- Example:
Name: OAuthClientGrant
Authorization URL:
Client ID: clientID456
Client Secret: clientSecret456
Scope: read write
Audience: api.example.comUsed by Crosser Module:
- IFS Observation Publisher
- Microsoft Dynamics Create Record
- Microsoft Dynamics Get Records
- Description: Used for SAP Remote Function Call (RFC) credentials.
- Settings:
- Name
- Username
- Password
- Host
- Lang
- Sys Nr
- Client
- Used by External Service: SAP Integration (RFC)
- Example:
Name: SAPConnection
Username: sapUser
Password: sapPassword123
Lang: EN
Sys Nr: 01
Client: 100Used by Crosser Module:
20. SNMP Credential
- Description: Credentials for accessing SNMP-enabled devices.
- Settings:
- Name
- Username
- Authentication Protocol (e.g., MD5, SHA)
- Authentication Passphrase
- Privacy Protocol (e.g., DES, AES)
- Privacy Passphrase
- Used by External Service: SNMP-enabled devices (e.g., routers, switches)
- Example:
Name: SNMPCred
Username: snmpUser
Authentication Protocol: SHA
Authentication Passphrase: authPassphrase123
Privacy Protocol: AES
Privacy Passphrase: privPassphrase123Used by Crosser Module:
- SNMP Get
21. Username and Password
- Description: Basic username and password authentication for various services.
- Settings:
- Name
- Username
- Password
- Used by External Service: Databases, HTTP APIs, FTP Servers
- Example:
Name: BasicAuth
Username: user123
Password: password123Used by Crosser Module:
- Couchbase Executer
- HTTP Request
- InfluxDB Insert
- Influx Select
- Nexmo SMS
- OSISoft WebAPI Subscriber
- RabbitMQ Consumer
- RabbitMQ Producer
- SMTP Send
- SFTP Directory Reader
- SFTP Download
- SFTP Files Move
- SFTP Files Watcher
- SFTP Text Reader
- SFTP Upload
- Twilio SMS
- Zendesk Ticket Create
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