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Users and Permissions

Users set up

Users with the User permission can add new users and change user role assignments. This is done on the Organization page that can be found in the menu when clicking on your user name in the top right corner of the UI. If you don’t have the right permissions this option will not be available.

Adding a new user

To add a new user click + Add User at the top of the User list. From the Add new user form you can invite new users by entering their email address, assign roles and then send an invite. Upon first login the user will be asked to enter a password.

Changing user settings

To change a user’s settings click on the edit button to the right of the user’s name in the User list. In the Edit user form you can change the Name, User name and two-factor settings. Note that the email address cannot be changed, since this is used to identify the user. Also the role assignments can be changed, see below for more information.

Deleting a user

Use the trash bin button to the right of the user’s name in the User table to delete a user.

Roles and Permissions

A Role groups a set of Permissions that controls access to different features in Crosser Cloud. A user must be assigned at least one role. Crosser Cloud comes with two predefined roles:

  • Super User - which has full access to all features

  • Crosser Standard User - which has access to all features except typical administrative tasks (add users, change permissions…)

The Super User role is fixed and cannot be changed. The Crosser Standard User role can be changed and it is also possible to define custom roles. The following permissions are available when defining roles:




Register/unregister nodes, run remote sessions, deploy flows


Create and modify flows


Add/delete credentials


Add/delete resources

Universal Connectors

Use wizard to build/modify and publish/unpublish/delete UCs


Add/delete labels and assign labels to nodes


Register/unregister custom modules


Add/delete users, assign roles


Add/change role definitions

Identity Providers

Add/Change user authentication with external identity providers

Enable a permission using the checkbox to the right of each category.

More fine granular control is possible by either toggling the icons after each category name, or by expanding a category using the > icon to the left of the category names. Each category typically has View, Create, Update and Delete permissions that can be set individually. Some categories have additional permissions and in some cases standard sub-permissions are disabled because the action is not allowed on that feature.

Using labels to limit access to nodes

Labels assigned to Nodes can be used to limit access to a subset of the available nodes. This is done by expanding the Nodes category and then adding labels on the individual permissions. For example, if you want to create a role that will only show nodes with the Stockholm label, add the Stockholm label on the View permission.

Note! Toggling sub-permissions in the permission categories and using labels to limit node access should be used with care and only by experienced administrators, since you can end up with combinations that will be difficult to use.