Release Date | 2025-03-20
Minor Updates
Changes and minor fixes
- Drop-downs not showing all options when a value was selected.
- Module names reverted to the default when re-editing.
- Permissions applied in a more consistent way in the UI.
- Fixed broken links in Event details modals.
- Improved column selector in MsSQL Select and PostgreSQL Select modules in interactive mode.
- Parameter overrides assigned on Nodes are now deleted when the Nodes are deleted.
- FlowApps keep the Node version of the source Flow.
Release Date | 2025-02-06
Interactive Wizard for data selection and data mapping
New features
Interactive Wizard for data selection and data mapping (preview)
In this release we are introducing a new concept for configuring connector modules: The Interactive Wizard for data selection and data mapping. This wizard greatly simplifies configuration of connector modules by connecting to the external system and fetching relevant information to guide you through the configuration process.
Let’s take an example where we want to get data from a SQL server. When opening the wizard you first need to select a credential, so the module knows how to connect to the database. When you go to the next step the module connects and retrieves the available tables, so that you can choose the table you want using a drop-down menu. In the next step the module will use the choice of table to get a list of columns in that table. The same concept is used for other settings where information from the external system can be used to simplify configuration. At the final step you apply the configuration to the module settings.
The old ‘Settings’ panel is still available, you can select which of the two modes you want to use as default.
We are introducing this new feature as a preview, to allow feedback from our users before rolling this out to more modules. In this initial release the following modules support the interactive wizard:
MS SQL Select
PostgreSQL Select
Microsoft Teams Send (new module)
Note: This feature is only available when using the new Node: 4.0.0-rc1, see release notes for more information.
Screenshot of the new data selection wizard on the MS SQL Select module
New Node 4.0.0-rc1
A new Node is also available with a number of changes, including support for the Interactive Data selection Wizard. You can read more about the new Node in the release notes.
Changes and minor fixes
When changing a version on a module in the Flow Studio, all modules of the same type are changed to the same version.
When adding a module to a Flow and there are already existing modules of the same type, the added module will get the same version as the existing modules.
Custom module names and version selection moved to the top part of the module settings panels.
The Node Details panel is now available from within the Flow Studio and will also show Parameter values.
Improved performance when downloading Flows to Nodes.
Release Date | 2024-09-04
Minor changes and fixes
New features
- Users can be disabled/enabled on the 'Organization Settings->Users' page.
- Added option to include response headers in Universal Connector wizard.
- 'Uptime' per Flow added on the 'Monitoring->Flows' page.
- 'Deploy' button added in the Flow Studio.
- Updated links to new documentation.
- Errors/warnings on shared Flows could not be marked as 'Reviewed'.
- Prompt to save changes when logging out.
- Flow version/draft description modal not closed on save.
Release Date | 2024-06-10
Metrics charts and minor fixes
Metrics charts
In addition to the ‘live’ metrics for Flows and Nodes available on the main monitoring pages, historical metrics data can now be viewed for individual Nodes and Flows in the detailed views.
Changes and minor fixes
- [New] Resource data can now be downloaded to local disk
- [New] A new draft resource can now be created based on the content from a previous version.
- [New] Show a short module description when hovering modules on the Modules page (similar to the Flow Studio module browser).
- [Change] File resources that are detected as containing non-text content (octet-stream) are not shown in the editor window by default. It is still possible to view the content by clicking on ‘View data’.
Note 1: Binary content will be corrupted when trying to display it in the text editor and saving the resource will save the corrupted data.
Note 2: All existing file resources will have content type octet-stream. - [Change] Improved performance when uploading large resource files.
- [Change] The maximum size for credentials data (e.g. certificates) is now increased to 100kB.
- [Fix] Deploying Flows with parameter overrides for resources failed.
- [Fix] Incorrect sort order for resource versions in the Flow Studio.
- [Fix] No data shown for archived resources.
- [Fix] Credential parameter overrides could not be changed.
- [Fix] Credential parameter overrides lost when upgrading the version of a Universal Connector module in a Flow.
- [Fix] Impossible to add root CA in the editor for the AWSIoTCetificate credential type in module settings.
- [Fix] Output connectors are removed when duplicating the Split module.
- [Fix] It should not be possible to connect to a Node that is incompatible with the current Flow in the Flow Studio.
- [Fix] Resource selection in module settings lost when duplicating a module.
Release Date | 2024-05-07
Resources management and new Modules page
Resources management
The management of Resources has got a major overhaul in this release:
Versions - A Resource now has versions, i.e. you don’t need to create a completely new resource to introduce changes.
Drafts - A Resource can now be in a draft state, to allow changes. A draft will be converted into a locked version when a Flow using the resource is deployed, or explicitly by saving it as a version.
Categories - User defined categories are added on the Resources page, similar to the Flows page, to help organize resources.
Note 1: Existing resources will be converted into ‘Version 1’, i.e. they cannot be changed.
Note 2: For resources of types ‘File’, ‘PythonScript’ or ‘CSharpScript’ all versions will share the same filename/path on local disk. Therefore it is not possible to use different versions of the same resource in different Flows on the same Node, since the last Flow that is deployed will overwrite the local file with its resource version. This will change in an upcoming Node release.
Modules page
The Modules page has been aligned with the new look and feel. There is now also a category browser, the same as is used in the Flow Studio, and the module documentation and release notes are available from this page.
Note: The Universal Connector tool is now available from its own top-level page.
Demo video
For a quick introduction to the new features, take a look at this video.
Changes and minor fixes
- [Change] The currently selected category is now shown with breadcrumbs above the corresponding lists.
- [Change] The ‘Common’ tab in the module settings has been renamed to ‘General’.
- [Change] It is now possible to use values up to 100 000 for the Queue Size on the General tab in the module settings without getting validation errors.
Minor fixes
This release contains minor fixes since the last major update.
Changes and minor fixes
[New] Counters with number of new events per level added on the Events page. Badges can be clicked to reload the list and filter on the selected level.
[New] Reload button added on the Events page.
[New] 7 day time range added on the Events page.
[fix] Node details not shown in Flow Studio remote sessions.
[fix] Not possible to select resources in parameter overrides on the Nodes page
[fix] Module settings UI behaves strange when updating dynamic lists, for example when adding tags in PLC modules or adding filters in SQL modules.
[fix] Nodes of type “Unknown” now added when filtering on “Offline (Other)” from the pie chart on the Monitor->Nodes page.
[fix] “Wanted State” renamed to “Desired State” in the deployment tool and on the Monitor pages.
[fix] Show all bins in Event charts, even if there is no data.
[fix] Universal Connectors url-encoded brackets used for parameter references, when adding query parameters or headers.
[fix] Query parameters manually added in the URL of Universal Connectors not url-encoded
[fix] Parameters for Oauth Client Credentials are not url-encoded when used in Universal Connectors.
[fix] Styling of annotations improved to avoid line breaks in the middle of words.
[fix] In some situations not all Flows were listed on the Flows page, even though they were shown on the Monitor→Flows page.
Note on Oauth Client Credentials in Universal Connectors
If you have manually url-encoded any Oauth Client Credentials, to make them work with the previous version of the UCs, you must recreate these credentials without url-encoding and update the module settings to use the new credentials.
With this release we introduce a completely new Monitor tool, that replaces the previous Dashboard and Events pages. The user interface has been redesigned from scratch and the new tool has four sub-pages:
Overview - Gives you an overview over the current status of all your Nodes and deployed Flows. Quickly find production Nodes that have gone offline, or Flows that have stopped due to errors. From here you can then navigate to more detailed views.
Flows - See the status of all your deployed Flows. Filter on state/status as well as the type of Node running the flow to quickly find the most important issues. Take actions on your deployed Flows, like restart or sync after parameter changes.
Nodes - See the status of all your Nodes. Filter on severity level and type of Node.
Events - All events reported from Flows/Nodes as well as from the Control Center. Filter on severity level as well as the type of event.
Details and cross-references
For all Events, Flows and Nodes you can open up more detailed views in separate pop-up windows. Here you will find more information, but you can also take actions, like synchronizing a Flow when parameters have been changed, or restarting a Flow that has stopped due to an error.
The detailed views also have cross-references whenever it makes sense. When looking at an event reported by a Node you can easily open up the detailed view for that Node, or if a Flow has reported an error and you want to see what this Flow is doing you just open it in the Flow Studio.
Error and Warning counters
When looking at your Flows you may now see error/warning counts for each item. This is to give you a quick way of finding what to focus on. A Flow might be ok at the moment but something happened a while ago that produced a lot of errors. If there are a lot of events in the events log it might be easy to miss these events, but with the error counters it’s easy to see that something has happened that might require your attention. These counters can be reset at any time, e.g. when you have investigated the problem.
Demo video
For a quick introduction to the new Monitor tool, take a look at this video.
Node version 3.1
To accompany the new Monitor tool there is a new version of the Node.
Note - To get the full benefits of the new Monitor tool you must upgrade your Nodes to the latest version. Features like per Flow information and resetting error/warning counters only work with the new version.
Changes and minor fixes
[Fix] Flow versions with long descriptions extend outside the list on the Flows page.
Support for Node version 3.0
Node 3.0 Support
Control Center now supports the new Node version 3.0, see xxx for more information on the new Node. To use version 3.0 Nodes your Flows must be configured to use version 3.0, you change this on the Flow settings panel in the Flow Studio.
Note: New flows will be set to use Node version 3.0 by default. If you want to use your Flows on older Nodes you must change the default setting on the Flow settings panel in the Flow Studio.
Bug Fixes
When some outputs on the Split module were left unconnected data was coming out on the wrong output.
A user without the permission to view Labels could not use the Deployment tool.
New Resources page, Node types and relaxed naming requirements
Resources page
The Resources page is redesigned and aligned with the new UI look-and-feel. Filtering and sorting options have been improved.
Node types
Nodes can now be assigned a type. Currently the available types are “Production” and “Dev and Test”, more types may be added in the future. Node types will be used to improve filtering and reporting. The type can be assigned when creating Nodes, but be also changed afterwards. Existing Nodes will have the type ‘Unknown’, we recommend that you assign correct types to all your existing Nodes.
Relaxed naming requirements
Requirements for user generated names, e.g. Flows, Nodes, Resources and Credentials have been relaxed and aligned so that the same requirements are applied everywhere. Basically any characters are now allowed, except starting or ending with white space (will be trimmed automatically).
Changes and minor fixes
[Change] Minimum password length increased to 12 characters.
[Fix] “Show selected” in the Flow Studio debug panel.
[Fix] Extra ‘/’ added on URLs in Universal Connectors if no path was used.
[Fix] Clearing a category filter in the Flow Studio removes the filter and shows all Flows.
[Fix] Modbus resources that fail validation cannot be added.
[Fix] Flow parameters can be used in remote sessions with read-only Flows.
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