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Crosser and Google Cloud

Lower Your GCP Cost.
Simplify and speed up your cloud development.

Simplify Your GCP environment

Run Crosser in Your Cloud and cut your cost

Remove complexity and lower the barrier of innovation by running Crosser on GCP, serverless with the Flow-as-a-Service offering or by deploying Crosser Nodes on GCP VMs. Get everything you need from one low-code and low-effort platform instead of trying to put multiple GCP services together. 

  • Data Ingestion & Integration
  • Reverse ETL - bidirectional
  • Event Processing
  • Stream Analytics
  • Functions & custom code (python, C#, javascript)
  • Run AI/ML models
  • Automation Workflows

Example of simplification of the architecture:


An alternative to Google Cloud Services

Crosser can, for most use cases, be used as an alternative for the following Google Cloud services. All in one single low-code and low-effort platform:

  • DataFlow
  • Datastream
  • Apigee Integration
  • AppSheet
  • Cloud Data Fusion
  • Cloud Functions
  • Pub/Sub
  • Cloud Composer
  • Dataproc (Apache Spark)
  • Workflows

Contact our product experts for a conversation about your specific use cases →

Multi-cloud. The same solution.

More and more businesses use more than one cloud provider and have to learn multiple services for stream analytics & integration.

  • Run Crosser in all your clouds
  • Flows-as-a-service for a serverless experience
  • Build cloud-to-cloud integrations
  • On-premise to Cloud
  • Managed from one Control Center

Get a predictable and low bill. That you easily understand.

Very few people manage to understand how much their cloud stream analytics & integration will cost them. Crosser uses a wildly simplified model compared to the hyperscaler cloud providers. 

Contact Sales to know how much you can save

Deliver ready-to-use data direct to BigQuery and other Google storage services from the Edge.

By running the Crosser Node in the edge/on-premises you can deliver ready-to-use data directly to Google Storage & DataLake services. Bypass expensive and complicated cloud services and run stream analytics & integration and ETL on-premises. All managed from one cloud Control Center.

Data Observability for your Data and Data Flows

Monitor, Validate and Control your Data and Data Integration Flows

With Crosser FlowWatch you are on-top of all your streaming, batch and API Data Flows. Wherever they run.

  • Flow Monitoring & Alerts
  • Data Freshness Monitoring
  • Data Validation
  • Streaming Data Validation
  • Data Volume Validation
  • AI/ML model Monitoring

Read More about the Crosser FlowWatch Features→
