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Product News

Simplified handling of Nodes and Resources

Resource Handling

The Crosser Control Center supports the use of centrally managed resources. A resource is either used when configuring modules in flows, such as tag lists, register mappings, or files that need to be downloaded into the Nodes when deploying flows.

The updated Resources page has been improved to increase the UI/UX for the user. For example, the filtering and sorting options have been updated to increase the ease of use.

Node Handling

Crosser node, the core of Crosser hybrid processing platform, has been improved with the option to assign types. Such as  “Production” and “Dev and Test”, for improving filtering,  reporting and development workflows. The type can be assigned when creating the Node, but be also changed when deployed.

Increased naming requirements

Requirements for user generated names, e.g. Flows, Nodes, Resources and Credentials have been relaxed and aligned so that the same requirements are applied everywhere.

Changes and minor fixes

  • [Change] Minimum password length increased to 12 characters.

  • [Fix] “Show selected” in the Flow Studio debug panel.

  • [Fix] Extra ‘/’ added on URLs in Universal Connectors if no path was used.

  • [Fix] Clearing a category filter in the Flow Studio removes the filter and shows all Flows.

  • [Fix] Modbus resources that fail validation cannot be added.

  • [Fix] Flow parameters can be used in remote sessions with read-only Flows.

About the author

Goran Appelquist (Ph.D) | CTO

Göran has 20 years experience in leading technology teams. He’s the lead architect of our end-to-end solution and is extremely focused in securing the lowest possible Total Cost of Ownership for our customers.

"Hidden Lifecycle (employee) cost can account for 5-10 times the purchase price of software. Our goal is to offer a solution that automates and removes most of the tasks that is costly over the lifecycle.

My career started in the academic world where I got a PhD in physics by researching large scale data acquisition systems for physics experiments, such as the LHC at CERN. After leaving academia I have been working in several tech startups in different management positions over the last 20 years.

In most of these positions I have stood with one foot in the R&D team and another in the product/business teams. My passion is learning new technologies, use it to develop innovative products and explain the solutions to end users, technical or non-technical."
