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If you run into any issues with flows or the Node itself running as a Windows Service, have a look at the bullet below before you create a support ticket.


  • Make sure your ExecutionPolicy allows the execution of unsigned scripts. To verify execute the below command in your PowerShell with administrative permission
PS C:\Users\myuser> Get-ExecutionPolicy
  • Make sure it’s one of UnRestricted or Bypass, if not use the following command to change it:
PS C:\Users\myuser> Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process UnRestricted
  • Make sure the installation script is set to ‘unblock’ right-click on the installation script -> Properties -> General
  • If you use Python make sure you have specified the path correct get python path:
PS C:\Users\myuser> python -c 'import os, sys; 
C:\Program Files\Python311

Example setting in appsettings.json file:

  "EdgeNodeConfiguration": {
    "LogLevel": "Information",
    "ExternalPrograms": {
      "Python3": "C:/Program Files/Python311/python.exe"
  • Make sure that you have installed paho-mqtt version 1.6.1. Keep in mind that paho-mqtt 2.x introduced breaking changes and is not supported by the Node
PS C:\Users\myuser> pip install paho-mqtt==1.6.1


  • Make sure that the service is set to restart always on system start to ensure that flows are started once the system and the Node is up.
  • If you want to use the HTTP or MQTT interface, make sure your firewall setup allows incoming traffic on port 9090 [HTTP Server], 9191 [lDebugging UI and API], 1883 [MQTT]. Above mentioned port numbers are the default.
  • Make sure you don’t have other services using any of the above ports, e.g. a stand-alone MQTT broker on port 1883.
  • Check the logfile in ‘data/logs/host/log{date}.log for any issues.

About the author

David Nienhaus | Senior Solution Engineer

David is a Senior Solution Engineer at Crosser. He has over 10 years experience working with software integration and digitization projects for critical infrastructure.
His engineering background gives him the understanding and focus needed to solve customer use cases in the most efficient and successful way.