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Crosser Node behind Load Balancer

With an increasing number of customers using Crosser not only at the Edge but also on Cloud, more questions came up regarding how to achieve high availability for these central Nodes.

One way of doing this is running two or more Nodes behind a load balancer with the same flows and letting the load balancer distribute the incoming request to the Nodes.

In case one Node goes down, the load balancer will send all messages to the other Node.

Crosser_Load Balancer

With this approach you not only have high availability on the central Nodes, you also have the possibility to update the central Flows and Nodes without interrupting the entire processing path.

Note: Instead of other Crosser Nodes ingesting data from external, it could be other services or Apps as well.

About the author

David Nienhaus | Senior Solution Engineer

David is a Senior Solution Engineer at Crosser. He has over 10 years experience working with software integration and digitization projects for critical infrastructure.
His engineering background gives him the understanding and focus needed to solve customer use cases in the most efficient and successful way.