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Crosser and Azure

Lower Your Azure Cost.
Simplify and speed up your cloud development.

Simplify Your Azure Environment

Run Crosser in Your Cloud and cut your cost

Remove complexity and lower the barrier of innovation by running Crosser on Azure, serverless with the Flow-as-a-Service offering or by deploying Crosser Nodes on Azure VMs. Get everything you need from one low-code and low-effort platform instead of trying to put multiple Azure services together. 

  • Data Ingestion & Integration
  • Reverse ETL - bidirectional
  • Event Processing
  • Stream Analytics
  • Functions & custom code (python, C#, javascript)
  • Run AI/ML models
  • Automation Workflows

Example of simplification of the architecture:


An alternative to Azure Services

Crosser can, for most use cases, be used as an alternative for the following Azure services. All in one single low-code and low-effort platform:

Multi-cloud. The same solution.

More and more businesses use more than one cloud provider and have to learn multiple services for stream analytics & integration.

  • Run Crosser in all your clouds
  • Flows-as-a-service for a serverless experience
  • Build cloud-to-cloud integrations
  • On-premise to Cloud
  • Managed from one Control Center

Get a predictable and low bill. That you easily understand.

Very few people manage to understand how much their cloud stream analytics & integration will cost them. Crosser uses a wildly simplified model compared to the hyperscaler cloud providers. 

Contact Sales to know how much you can save

Deliver ready-to-use data direct to Azure Storage from the Edge.

By running the Crosser Node in the edge/on-premises you can deliver ready-to-use data directly to Azure Storage & DataLake services. Bypass expensive and complicated cloud services and run stream analytics & integration and ETL on-premises. All managed from one cloud Control Center.

Run Crosser inside Azure IoT Edge

Run Crosser Edge Analytics inside Azure IoT Edge and gain all the advantages with both Crosser and Azure.

Get the simplicity of building flows with Crosser Flow Studio, the visual design tool, the easy and automated life-cycle changes enabled by the Crosser Control Center and the powerful set of collector modules and streaming analytics capabilities of the Crosser Node, including running ML models in a Flow.

The Crosser Docker container is deployed through Azure IoT but all design and config are done through Crosser Control Center. The Crosser Docker container integrates with the Azure IoT Edge Hub.

Data Observability for your Data and Data Flows

Monitor, Validate and Control your Data and Data Integration Flows

With Crosser FlowWatch you are on-top of all your streaming, batch and API Data Flows. Wherever they run.

  • Flow Monitoring & Alerts
  • Data Freshness Monitoring
  • Data Validation
  • Streaming Data Validation
  • Data Volume Validation
  • AI/ML model Monitoring

Read More about the Crosser FlowWatch Features→

3 Examples of Crosser and Azure IoT Edge Combined

Crosser together with Azure IoT Edge

Crosser Compute Modules

Streaming Analytics

Implement advanced streaming analytics functions on Azure IoT Edge without any software development.

Crosser Integration from Machine to Azure IoT Hub

Crosser Collector Modules

Collect any Data Type

Use the Crosser collector modules to get data from all your data sources into the edge hub.

Crosser Integration from Machine to Azure to Cloud

Crosser Action Modules

Connect to Anything

Use the Crosser action modules to send data to any external system. Or to multiple systems simultaneously.

Remove Complexity

Connect the Crosser Node directly to Azure IoT without Azure IoT Edge

Connect the Crosser Node directly to Azure IoT Hub without Azure Edge. Crosser has used the Azure IoT SDK when building the secure connector.

Depending on the use case this can be a less complicated architecture without loss of functionality compared to running Crosser inside the IoT Edge. 

Add Streaming Analytics at scale on Azure Stack

Run Crosser Streaming Analytics at scale on Azure Stack. Get all the advantages of the Crosser Node and the simplicity of Crosser Flow Studio to process data on-premise in real-time.

Learn more about the Crosser Platform →

Crosser and Azure Reference Architecture

Architectural overview of how Crosser and Azure Setup. 
