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Crosser is born in the intersection of Industrial and IT data

In contrast to legacy industrial automation vendors and traditional IT & Cloud providers, Crosser is uniquely positioned in the intersection of Industrial and IT data. 

The platform is designed to address the needs for both OT and IT teams. The simplicity of the platform limits the dependencies on other teams and increases speed of innovation and implementation of a limitless variety of use cases.

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Learn how Crosser is uniquely positioned for Industrial businesses

You only need one Stream Analytics & Integration Platform

From remote or mobile sites, to shop-floor and the top-floor. Simplify your tech-stack, reduce your cost and innovate faster with a single platform for all your integration needs.

Data Observability for your Data and Data Flows

Monitor, Validate and Control your Data and Data Integration Flows

With Crosser FlowWatch you are on-top of all your streaming, batch and API Data Flows. Wherever they run.

  • Flow Monitoring & Alerts
  • Data Freshness Monitoring
  • Data Validation
  • Streaming Data Validation
  • Data Volume Validation
  • AI/ML model Monitoring

Read More about the Crosser FlowWatch Features→

Future proof your business with the Intelligent Edge Layer

Enjoy the freedom and ability to address any current or future use case with a low code approach.

Learn the benefits of pre-processing data with advanced IoT Edge Stream Analytics.

Understand why adding intelligent edge analytics for Factory Floor Integration makes sense.

Maybe you only need Industrial Connectivity today but give yourself an advantage with Intelligent processing capabilities and you are set for the future.
